Helping you make sustainable lifestyle habits to be able to feel & look your best

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This is where you are


You're frustrated. 

You continue to do it all - hours and hours in the gym paired with any new fad diet you can find, but have nothing to show for it.

You feel helpless and overwhelmed and believe there must be a better way.

You wake up feeling frustrated and defeated, then go to bed feeling guilty and anxious about the choices you made.

This constant cycle of hope and disappointment is not only exhausting but also takes a mental toll, making you think there is no way you will ever find that "balanced lifestyle" everyone is talking about.

We get it. I was in that same spot when I was the girl on the left.

We are here to show you how to change that

This is why you aren't seeing change


We are taught that ALL or NOTHING is the only way. So that's what you do and your cycle goes like this


You want a change > you research what to do and find that the "answer" is excessive cardio, Instagram workouts, fasting, limiting carbs, and eating 1,200 calories a day > you start this and it goes well for a week, maybe two > you start to feel burn out > you stop it all and in a week or two, you start again


You are constantly starting over without seeing sustainable progress, and it SUCKS


This is where we want you to be

  • Setting & achieving realistic goals

  • Incorporating gym time without it being overwhelming

  • Focusing on nutrition while still eating your favorite foods

  • Going on vacation without stressing about what you'll be "allowed to eat"

  • Taking time off from the gym and maintain your progress

  • Going to bed feeling confident about your day instead of guilty

  • Waking up excited about breakfast

  • Eating MORE and seeing fat loss / body composition changes

Let our clients tell you

What's included in online coaching?

Individualized nutrition & training protocols 

Leave the insta workouts and MyFitnessPal calorie calculator behind

Every single protocol is made for YOU. Based off your body and your goals.

Coaching accountability, feedback, and communication

A coach is assigned to you when you join and is with you through your entire journey

You will have weekly check-ins to chat all things with your coach and get new protocols 

Your coach is not only available to chat during check ins, you can reach out to her anytime you need.

The more communication, the better!

Online course

 Want extra education?? You got it!

There is a whole library of educational videos from talking the scale, to hormones, to balance right at your fingertips


Even though this is an individualized program, you are not alone

You will placed in a community chat to have extra support and love from all our badass clients

A zoom call takes place every month with our whole M Power Family to chat about a specific topic and get to know you more  

This is for you if you are...

  • ready to heal your relationship with food
  • struggling with consistency / motivation
  • ready to toss the fad diet attempts and build lifelong habits
  • wanting to finally see progress in the gym 
  • wanting to feel confident in your skin 
  • wanting a coach to show you the way and answers all your questions

Think about it a little longer if...

  • You are not willing/ready to understand that this is an investment in yourself
  • You think change does not take time and weight / fat loss is a quick journey
  • You do not want a long term plan that can be maintained

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